
Epoxy glass cloth laminate surface preparation and treatment

1. Copper surface after the formation of graphics and etching circuit, try to reduce the PTFE surface treatment and contact. The operator should wear clean gloves and lay the film on each board for delivery to the next program.
     2. After the etching of the PTFE surface with sufficient roughness for anti static plastic sheet. Where the sheet is etched or where the laminate is not covered, it is recommended that the PTFE surface be treated to provide sufficient attachment. The chemical composition used in the pth preparation process can also be used for surface treatment. Recommended plasma etching or sodium-containing chemical reagents
     3. Copper surface treatment should ensure the best adhesive strength. The brown copper oxide circuit treatment will enhance the surface shape to facilitate chemical phenolic paper sheet using TacBond adhesives. The first process requires a cleaner to remove the residual and deal with the oil. Followed by subtle copper etching to form a uniform roughened surface area. The brown oxide needle-like crystals solidify the adhesive layer during the lamination process. As with any chemical process, the full cleaning after each step is necessary. Salt residue will inhibit adhesion. The final rinse should be supervised and electrical insulating board at a pH of less than 8.5. Dry the layers and ensure that the surface is not contaminated with oil or the like.

